Tan Yan Kee Foundation, DA sign irrigation project agreement.

MANILA -- Tan Yan Kee Foundation Inc. (TYKFI) and the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DW-BSWM) formally signed a Memorandum of Agreement on Oct. 20.

This marks the beginning of a decade-long partnership that promises to bring positive change to local farming communities across the nation.

This agreement solidifies the steadfast commitment of both organizations in addressing one of the most pressing challenges facing the nation - food security - by the construction and rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation projects (SSIPs) annually.

These projects serve as vital lifelines to grassroots agricultural communities by providing the essential water resources necessary for food production.

The reliable flow of water through these SSIPs alleviates the long-standing challenges of water scarcity and inefficient irrigation practices faced by countless local farmers, ultimately resulting in increased crop yields and an improved standard of living among farmers and their families. These projects have also opened up opportunities for fish harvesting and aquatic production, adding to the benefits enjoyed by local communities.

Gina Nilo, director of DA-BSWM, highlights the impact of these...

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