Greenfield dreams big with Solen expansion in Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

In the vibrant landscape of Santa Rosa, Laguna, a remarkable expansion is taking place, ushering in a new era of exquisite living. The Solen Residences expansion project, the newest project of Greenfield Development Corporation, is poised to redefine the real estate market in this area.

The expansion extends across five hectares, strategically positioned on the western fringes of the initial Solen phase, bringing the entire Solen development to an impressive 55 hectares.

An additional 178 lots have been introduced within this area, expanding the available lots to 1,267. This is in response to the rising demand for this idyllic community, evident after the initial Solen phase almost entirely sold out at a remarkable 97%.

One of the distinguishing features of the Solen expansion is the varied lot sizes, ranging from 150 to 270 square meters, ensuring a perfect spot for every dream home. The tree-lined roads that have become a signature of Greenfield's developments will also grace the expansion area, creating an inviting and picturesque environment.

The entire sprawling property is nestled within Greenfield City, Brgy Don Jose, Santa Rosa, Laguna. It is just a short three-kilometer drive from the Eton-Greenfield City Exit on the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX).

Investment-worthy property

The Solen brand has a track record of exceptional growth, with property values soaring by an astonishing 217% since the launch of its initial phase back in 2011.

The introduction of additional lots in the Solen expansion project not only builds upon the already established success but also positions Solen as a sound investment opportunity for those with a discerning eye for real estate prospects.

The significance of Solen Residences' expansion extends to the broader Greenfield City and the Santa Rosa, Laguna region. As this community grows, it's not just the residents who benefit. A larger community translates into more vibrant economic activity within Greenfield City.

This economic synergy paves the way for enhanced services, amenities, and conveniences for the Solen residents and the surrounding communities. It's a win-win scenario, where the Solen expansion project contributes to the region's economic vitality while also enriching the lifestyle of its residents.

A perfect place for memories

The Solen expansion is a world all its own - a perfect place for memories, and a...

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